Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dear Mr: zakaria
There is a girl I like who has a boyfriend. He plays on a team with me. He and I get along real well. She asked me if would I go out with her and I said that I would. I asked her about her relationship with her boyfriend. She said it was on again off again and she didn't know where it was going.
I don’t really know what she wants from me. We are from different races but it doesn’t seem to matter to her. I don’t know whether she is serious. What should I do?

u should make poiment with her in coffe shop and look after her word and her amotion what she want try to read her action and mind sometimes she comvoice in her relationship with that guy .Also be seirose with her that if you going with her in relationship. She should respact you and u should do the same to ,good luck.

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